Bob Dylan & McLuhan

I decided I would do my report on Bob Dylan. McLuhan and Bob Dylan have a lot in common in that they both have a counterculture view which was common in the 1960s. Counterculture was a movement that wanted to stray away from the long-held values of those in the 1950s. Movements such as the Civil Rights movement began to spring up and changed the views and attitudes towards those in the establishment. Bob Dylan is important to understand because his most notable songs like "The Times They Are a-Changin'" and "Blowin' in the Wind" became anthems for this time period. The songs asked why things must be the way they are and why should we follow these old values. McLuhan covers this when he states, "The young today reject goals...That is, total involvement" (100). This is in direct reference to those participating in movements like the Civil Rights Movement. Instead of letting nothing happening, those in the counterculture generation wanted to make the change themselves and disrupting the old and replacing with the new.
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